Expert-Led Support for Breast Cancer Patients:
Question and Answer Board

A big part of regaining peace is understanding the medical terms
and the decisions being made. We don't offer medical advice, but can help you
process that flood of information coming at you.

Expert-Led Support for Breast Cancer Patients:
Question and Answer Board

A big part of regaining peace is understanding the medical terms and the decisions being made. We don't offer medical advice, but can help you process that flood of information coming at you.

"Learn the keys to regaining ground back from the thief that cancer is!"

Your medical team may be busy, and you might hesitate to bother them or feel unheard. The overwhelming amount of information available can be crushing, leaving you unsure if you'll ever understand it all. We're here to help.

Beyond the physical battle with well-defined protocols, let's address emotional and spiritual recovery - how to regain your life! That terrain is much less well defined and unique to you. We support that journey and have practical tips that move you forward.

The Question and Answer board is a starting place.

"Learn the keys to regaining ground back from the thief that cancer is!"

Your medical team may be busy, and you might hesitate to bother them or feel unheard. The overwhelming amount of information available can be crushing, leaving you unsure if you'll ever understand it all. We're here to help.

Beyond the physical battle with well-defined protocols, let's address emotional and spiritual recovery - how to regain your life! That terrain is much less well defined and unique to you. We support that journey and have practical tips that move you forward.

The Question and Answer board is a starting place.

What is the Q&A Board?

Q&A Board Briefly Explained

Click to play the full video!

Join Our🎗️Exclusive Breast Cancer Question and Answer Board 🎗️ for FREE! and invite your friends dealing with breast cancer too!

Join Our🎗️Exclusive Breast Cancer Question and Answer Board 🎗️ for FREE! and invite your friends dealing with breast cancer too!

Meet Dr. Sally Knox MD, FACS

Click to play the full video!


Dr. Sally Knox served for 30 years at a cancer center in Dallas, Texas where she treated thousands of patients and co-founded the Bridge Breast Network, an organization dedicated to helping under-insured women access essential breast services and cancer treatment.


She helped more than 1000+ breast cancer patients in the span of 30 years! Many women remember her for her passion and dedication to serve women battling breast cancer.


She brought together a community of 1600+ breast cancer warriors ready to support your journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

How to gain access to the question and answer board?

After you register you will receive an email with the link to question and answer board with the log-in details.

How many questions can I send a month?

You can send as many questions as you need.

Can I invite someone to the board?

Yes, we highly encourage members to share the good news with others! Simply provide them with the link to this funnel.


Here's what others are saying about the Question and Answer Posts and some other feedbacks!

Searching for answers on the Breast Cancer Journey?

Are you ready to thrive and gain back control?

Here is a panel of questions we've fielded from your friends on this journey.
If we don't address your issue - submit a new question. You can opt out any time!

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